Audio is an excellent tool for lead generation and relationship building. It also makes it easy to produce an info-product that can be used to generate revenue. Audio is a great tool for your marketing mix if you are a service provider, particularly if your service is intimate or personal. If your prospects need to feel safe with you before they consider becoming clients, audio could be a great option.
Audio can add a human element to your business. As we all know, people don’t do business with businesses. They do business with people. Audio makes you a person and not a stranger. This is how you begin the relationship building process.
You can convert almost all prospects into customers using audio. Audio is generally more engaging than a brochure or sales letter. This allows you to get more responses from your prospects. Your prospect will be more interested in your message if you tap into their senses. It’s difficult to convert prospects into customers if they don’t hear your message. Audio delivers your message more effectively. Research shows that while people can remember 20% of what they read, they will remember 70% of what is said to them. Your prospects must remember your message if you want them to take action on it.
You can also differentiate yourself from your competitors by using audio. Even though audio is readily available for even small businesses, many companies still don’t take advantage of this unique marketing opportunity. You can really differentiate yourself from other companies in your industry by incorporating audio into your marketing mix.
Your audio can be used to introduce yourself to prospects and explain the services and products you offer. Audio is a great tool to train your customers or provide technical information about your product or service. Audio is more personal than a written instruction guide and can be used with a written manual Tubidy.
Educational psychologists claim that listening is the best way to learn. Consider this: According to the same educational psychologists learning increases exponentially when you repeat it. When you use audio to explain technical aspects, your prospects will be able to listen to it repeatedly, which aids in learning. You are, in essence, the expert because you taught them.
Audio can be used to share client testimonials. A CD with client testimonials can be purchased, or audio testimonials can be added to your website. Audio product reviews are similar to testimonials. We’ve used audio testimonials for many years, but they are even more powerful than testimonials.
Audio can be used to give tips or answer frequently asked questions. It’s also a great branding tool. It’s also portable so prospects can bring your marketing message along with them. They can either put your CD in their car stereo, or download the mp3 to their ipod. Distribution is easy.
Audio can be used as a marketing tool to free up time and decrease the amount of work you do. Because you only need to create one presentation, audio allows you automate the sales process. It can be delivered repeatedly. The audio can be distributed to a lot of customers by making multiple copies or uploading an mp3 to your website. It’s an intimate, relationship-building presentation.
Audio can also help you leverage your time by filtering out potential prospects. Your CD or mp3 is not only a way to present your marketing message but also your self. You get to know your prospect on a deeper level, and he can decide if you are the right fit for him. Your prospect already has a connection with you through your audio message. You don’t have to spend a lot of time trying to convince him. After listening to your audio, he has already decided. You have more time to work on prospects who are pre-qualified.